
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft The values of the LLB

Our values stipulate how we are to collaborate and according to what principles we are to offer our services. Here too, we want to take into account social change by replacing the value “pioneering” with “passionate”. We asked the members of our Group Executive Board what these values mean for them:

By Gernot Bilz

integrity – We create clarity and we keep our word.
  • We do what we say and say what we do.
  • We act sustainably and promote diversity.
  • We consistently adhere to regulations and standards.
Patrick Fürer

“Integrity for me means that my bank conducts its business in an ethical and proper manner safeguarding my interests in a sustainable way so that my children and grandchildren can be condifent about the future.”

respectful – We act in a partner-like manner and show appreciation.
  • We are open and seek the best solution together.
  • We acknowledge performance.
  • We cooperate with and support each other.
Christoph Reich

“Acting respectfully means that we deal with each other on an equal basis and search for the best solutions together. This is how we show appreciation and create values.”

excellence – We achieve first class results.
  • We are top performers and results orientated.
  • We think holistically and act with foresight.
  • We set high standards and actively enhance our skills.
Natalie Flatz

“For me my bank is excellent when I can benefit from its recommendations and therefore make the best individual decisions for me. To do that, their staff have to share their knowledge with me in a way I understand.”

passionate – We act with conviction and enthusiasm.
  • We love what we do.
  • We get to grips and accept responsibility.
  • We continually inspire our clients.
Urs Müller

“I’m passionate about my bank when it focuses on me and my needs and presents me with solutions that continually inspire me.”