
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Living one LLB – A future driven by origin

Based on the results of an intensive brand-forming process, from now on all the units of the LLB Group will operate under the LLB brand name. LLBʼs new market image is refreshingly young, distinctive and international.

By Gernot Bilz

Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG, Bank Linth LLB AG and Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG will now all operate under the uniform LLB brand with a new logo. This one brand strategy will support the growth objectives, which the LLB Group has set for itself as part of the ACT-26 corporate strategy. With a combination consisting of digital services and comprehensive client care, and operating as LLB Schweiz, we want to advance from being a regional bank to a nationwide force in private banking. As in Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Austria, we now also operate in the German market with a modern, young image as LLB appealing to that target group of digital natives and entrepreneurs, which already comprise the major portion of our clients. They are distinguished by their embracing of technilogical change and their wish for meaning in life.

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As a client-focused bank, all our actions are guided by a vision of the future and our aim of convincing clients with sustainable products and services. At the same time, as a partner for values-based banking in a digital world, we shall rely on our strong roots and our stability.

Our mission statement

Our mission statement forms the foundation of our new brand identity, the so-called normative framework. Our mission statement is composed of our corporate purpose, our vision, our mission and our values.

Our vision is an appeal to all our employees to be confident and active shapers of the future. “We are one of the most trustworthy banks in the world” expresses what we want to achieve together.

Our mission statement defines the fundamental convictions and principles for the actions and decisions of all LLB employees. It forms the cornerstone of the new, uniform LLB brand.

Our mission statement

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Mission – Our remit

  • We stand for values-based, sustainable banking and offer the highest levels of stability and security for clients, employees and shareholders.
  • We nurture personal relationships with our clients supported by state-of-the-art technology.
  • We identify with our Liechtenstein roots and grow regionally and internationally.
  • We are an attractive employer and promote diversity.