
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft XENTIS – a major step in fund business at the LLB Group

Itʼs a milestone in the history of the LLB Group – the introduction of XENTIS, the innovative fund platform that forms the centrepiece of the Fonds Powerhouse. Launched in Austria, this Group-wide project marks a pioneering step for innovation, efficiency, and client value. Further phases through 2025 are planned, including the expansion to Liechtenstein and the implementation of front office modules.

By Elena Betz

The Group company in Austria is the first within the LLB Group to migrate to XENTIS, developed by the renowned Profidata Group. This platform is not just a technological solution, but the foundation for our future growth. Live in Austria since mid-2023, XENTIS is paving the way for a successful future with monthly migrations.

The centrepiece – XENTIS in action:

XENTIS impresses with modular functions that are always up to date with the latest regulatory and technological standards - depending on the legal requirements at our three fund locations.

  • Fund accounting and NAV price calculation: XENTIS masters accounting and the calculation of net asset values.
  • Legal reporting: Automatic generation of legal reports such as PRIIP-KID, accountability reports, and much more.
  • Client reporting: More than 100 XENTIS reports in various formats are available for transparent client communication and show us to our clients as a partner with an individual character.
  • Investment compliance: XENTIS monitors ex ante and ex post compliance with investment limits via a real-time interface to Avaloq.
  • Risk management: XENTIS offers comprehensive risk management for our funds. 
  • XDO module for external asset managers: Seamless order entry in XENTIS by our external asset managers.
  • Front office for fund/portfolio management: Effective management of funds and portfolios in the front office.

Power for the powerhouse:

Step-by-step implementation of a standardised fund platform by 2025 is strengthening our Fonds Powerhouse. Centralised, cloud-based IT operations, uniform processes and data supply give the powerhouse the necessary agility for accelerated growth in line with our ACT-26 strategy.

The future of our fund business is taking shape – XENTIS is paving the way for efficient, transparent, and future-oriented fund management.

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