
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft XENTIS fund platform – a path to efficiency and excellence

Are you curious to find out what the XENTIS project is about? Natalie Flatz and Harald Friedrich will take you on a journey along the path weʼve travelled so far to launch XENTIS.

By Elena Betz

Find out what makes XENTIS so special and what challenges have been successfully overcome during implementation in Austria.

From the beginnings to the valuable insights for the upcoming launch in Liechtenstein, this video offers an admission ticket to an exciting chapter in LLB history.

Have fun watching!

Voices from LLB Österreich
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Gerald Diglas, Institutional Banking AT

“Our fund clients, fund managers and also we as employees had clear requirements and expectations of the functionalities of a new fund administration system. XENTIS is a major step towards modernising our services and will further strengthen LLBʼs status as a fund powerhouse in Austria in the future.

Or as the quote from Stephen Hawking aptly emphasises:

‘1n73ll1g3nc3 1s 7h3 4b1l17y 70 4d4p7 70 CH4NG3’”

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Lars Fuhrmann, Managing Director Back Office IMO

“As part of the introduction of XENTIS, further automation and digitalisation of the processes were implemented with a focus on results, which should reduce sources of error on the one hand and speed up the processes on the other. The successful implementation was only possible thanks to the enormous commitment of the employees involved, who went along with us on this journey.”

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Natalia Weyringer, Institutional Banking AT

“The introduction of XENTIS is an important milestone for our fund clients, partners and employees towards becoming a state-of-the-art fund powerhouse. In future, we will not only further consolidate our excellent standard in the fund sector, but will also be able to set ourselves apart from the competition with new services.”

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Peter Reisenhofer, Managing Director LBI Back Office

“After a very challenging transition phase, we are pleased to offer our clients enhanced services in the areas of fund management, fund accounting, risk management and reporting with a state-of-the-art system that is leading and very well established in the DACH region. We attach particular importance to regulatory excellence.”