
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft A closer look at the LLB brand

In an interview Group CEO Gabriel Brenna told us more about the backgound to our new brand and what objectives he has with the new visual appearance.

By Cornelia Zeh

Why did LLB decide in favour of a rebranding and the one-brand strategy?

Several factors had been under consideration for quite some time. Continual progress was being made with the digital transformation and the LLB abbreviation seemed appropriate here. Itʼs also easier for our international clients to pronounce.

For us, communicating our new strategy in Switzerland was exactly the right moment for a groupwide rebranding. We envisage great growth potential, especially in private banking, corporate client business and in business with external asset managers. And we are convinced that we will have even more success with our strategy and positioning with the new LLB brand.

It is essential for our future growth that we increase our brand awareness further and identify with the same values throughout the Group. This includes a uniform visual appearance.

graphic graphic
Gabriel Brenna
What objectives do you associate with the new LLB brand?

Our new LLB logo is a strong and modern brand – simple and easy to remember. A brand that will achieve a high level of awareness, both regionally and internationally in our core marktets. And, of course, our employees should identify with our brand because a brand always lives from the inside out.

The new logo looks completely different from our present one and the new name is very distinctive. What do you think, how will the new logo and our new visual appearance be accepted by our clients?

Iʼm convinced that the new brand will be well received. It is fresh, modern, different and has a high recognition value. But, of course, the new logo also means a significant change. Initially, it will be controversial, especially in our home countries. But I think that is a normal process.

What does the new LLB brand personality mean to you?

LLB continues to stand for the highest levels of stability and security, as well as for values-based banking. And with our vision: “We are one of the most trustworthy banks in the world” we are setting ourselves a very high standard and an ambitious goal.

However, the new brand also stands for a modern, self-confident and forward-looking LLB. An LLB that is a master of personal, traditional banking just as much as of the rapidly changing digital world. A bank for which it is always clear what it stands for and how this distingishes it from its competitors.

LLB has always stood for values-based banking.

Gabriel Brenna, Group CEO
What do we have to do to keep our brand promise “LLB – Your partner for values-based banking” to our clients?

I think we already fulfil this promise because it isnʼt new. LLB has always stood for values-based banking. This differentiates us from other banks and is certainly a reason why our clients place their trust in us and our services.

What are the key steps in the implementation of our uniform visual appearance?

Together with the communication of our new brand on 15 September we are starting a launch campaign in our most important markets. We are placing the focus here on  Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria and Germany with the goal of increasing the profile and awareness of LLB. Iʼm excited to see how the new campaign will be received and, of course, what the reaction of our employees, clients and the general public will be.