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As part of the Group-wide sustainability project, there will be a focus on social commitment in 2023. The LLB Group will offer social volunteering for the first time.

By Paul Friedrich

Sustainability is not just in the LLB’s DNA – it is also a core element of our ACT-26 strategy. We already uphold sustainable standards in all areas of our business – whether in our diverse range of products and services, our infrastructure or our procurement practices. We are now planning to introduce social volunteering, which will give every employee the chance to make a valuable contribution.

What is social volunteering?

Social volunteering involves employees supporting sustainable projects directly at ground level. Instead of the traditional approach of donating money, we’ll be rolling up our sleeves and giving the most valuable thing we have: our time and effort. With the new initiative LLB Helping Hands, we will actively support pilot projects in Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Austria, each with a different focus ... but all with a meaningful purpose.

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There will be a designated contact person in each country to oversee the planning, organisation and implementation of these pilot projects. Our Social Team currently consists of three people: Antonia Pipal (Liechtenstein), Yannik Ilkow (Switzerland) and Paul Friedrich (Austria).

How can you get involved?

Getting involved is easy. Our Social Team will keep you in the loop about the projects in your country and how to sign up. Spaces for the pilot projects are limited, but we still encourage everyone to apply. If you don’t get a spot this time, don’t worry – you’ll have the chance to get involved in the next project day. But be sure to speak to your manager before applying.

Will I be given the day off for it?

Yes, the Board of Management has decided to free up some time for these pilot projects.

Do I need any specific skills?

No, the projects are selected in a way that allows everyone to participate. A little enthusiasm and a passion for charity work are all you need.

When does it start?

The project days are expected to take place in August or September. We are still planning the specific details. Once everything has been finalised, the Social Team will provide you with all the relevant information.