
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Spotlight on the LLB’s new board members: an insight into their thoughts and plans

At this year’s annual general meeting, two new members were elected to the LLB Group’s Board of Directors: Nicole Brunhart and Christian Wiesendanger. Both have a wealth of experience and expertise that will contribute to the further growth and success of the LLB. In the following interviews, they talk about their thoughts, their goals and what they are most looking forward to in their new role.

By Elena Betz

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Christian Wiesendanger and Nicole Brunhart
What makes the LLB special to you?

Nicole: The LLB embodies all the values and principles that I hold dear and firmly believe in. As a Liechtensteiner and the daughter of a long-time LLB banker, I’ve been familiar with the Bank since I was a child. I admire how the Bank successfully blends tradition and innovation. And I also appreciate its transparency and fairness towards clients. Having been in charge of pricing at an asset management firm, I’m very interested in fee models. 

The LLB is leading the way here with its transparent and client-oriented models. I’ve also been very impressed by the LLB’s commitment to sustainability. As a mother and godmother, I often think about how our behaviour today will impact the future. With its ACT-26 strategy, the LBB has sent out a clear and relatable message. I believe this is crucial to safeguarding our long-term future.

Christian: The LLB has a strong culture, an excellent reputation and an exciting business model with the Private and Corporate Clients Division in Liechtenstein and Eastern Switzerland and the International Wealth Management Division. These factors, coupled with its considerable size, provide solid foundations for further organic growth.

How do you plan to contribute as a board member?

Nicole: After going to school in Vaduz and taking an interesting course of studies at uni, I gained valuable experience in the finance industry through various roles in strategic consulting and asset management. In the last few years, sustainability has also been a big part of my work. As a member of the board, I’m really looking forward to applying my strategy development expertise in the area of asset management and wealth management, as well as drawing on my operational experience gained as part of the management team of a global financial infrastructure company.

Christian: I’m looking forward to supporting the growth of the LLB Group with my extensive expertise from 20 years in bank management and in Swiss and international wealth management in particular.

How do you assess the potential of the LLB, particularly in terms of market expansion in Switzerland?

Nicole: I think it’s great that the LLB has decided to redefine its strategy for Switzerland and build upon Bank Linth’s history and potential. The Swiss market is not only one of the most important ones for private banking, but also offers us opportunities in corporate banking. The LLB aims to position itself here as a local, competent and fair partner, which I find extremely positive. I also think that we can appeal to many investors with an affinity for sustainability with our wiLLBe offering and our sustainable positioning.

Christian: The LLB has already laid solid foundations, and there is considerable scope for further growth. With its excellent reputation and the established retail and corporate banking of the former Bank Linth, the LLB is perfectly positioned to continue growing in Switzerland, especially in the area of wealth management. Our reputation as a trustworthy and competent partner for wealth management will help us attract new clients and enhance our market presence.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge for the LLB in the coming years?

Nicole: There are indeed a number of major challenges, but they can also bring opportunities. If we divide the challenges into external and internal areas, at an external level I see the geopolitical situation, cyber risks, changing regulatory frameworks and advancing digitalisation as significant challenges for all of us. Especially in the area of digitalisation, it is of great importance to be close to clients and to offer different models that meet their needs.

Internally, we as the LLB have recently started implementing numerous innovations and expansion projects. These measures are important and right, but require a lot of commitment from our organisation and our staff. On behalf of all my colleagues, I would therefore like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the willingness of our staff to embark on this journey together with us.

Christian: I think one of the biggest challenges will be to strike a balance between greater digitalisation and further growth, especially in international wealth management, while also making sure that we preserve our unique corporate culture. After all, our culture has played a vital role in the Bank’s outstanding reputation.

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Nicole Brunhart, Thomas Russenberger, Chairman of the Board Georg Wohlwend, Christian Wiesendanger, Leila Frick-Marxer and Vice Chairman of the Board Richard Senti (from left).
What are you most looking forward to in your new role?

Nicole: As a Liechtensteiner, I am deeply honoured and delighted to be serving in this capacity for a Liechtenstein institution, especially the LLB, due to my personal connection with the Bank. It is also an opportunity for me to give something back to the country. And I am equally excited about coming back to Liechtenstein more, seeing my family and catching up with old and new friends.

But above all, I’m looking forward to working with my fellow board members and the employees at the LLB, some of whom I’ve known and respected for a long time and others I’ve just recently met.

Christian: I am most looking forward to working with the Board of Directors and getting to know my new colleagues at the LLB better.

What are your main strengths?

Nicole: My academic background and professional experiences, along with the influence that certain individuals have had on me in life, have allowed me to gather valuable strategic and operational insights and develop as a person. I believe the LLB can benefit from my energy, passion, personal experiences and practical specialist expertise.

Christian: Firstly, my curiosity and my desire to understand things, be it people or concepts. Secondly, my ability to see the bigger picture in a strategic sense. And thirdly, my desire to put plans into action.

Who would you most like to be stuck in a lift with?

Nicole: There are many fascinating candidates out there. But if I had to choose one, I’d pick Elon Musk. I’d like to hear his views on the future of banking products and how client behaviour might evolve.

Christian: Even after 24 years of marriage, I would still choose my wife. Or maybe one of my classic cars – though that might also be the reason why the lift got stuck.

What do you still want to tick off your bucket list?

Nicole: There’s so much I still want to do. I’d love to go on an African safari with my family and see wild animals in their natural habitat.

Christian: Passing on what I’ve learned in life, travelling – especially in South America – and finally understanding the concept of quantum gravity in my original subject of physics.

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Group CEO Gabriel Brenna with Christian Wiesendanger, Nicole Brunhart and Chairman of the Board Georg Wohlwend