
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Revealed: the new name of our digital in-house magazine

The Editorial Team is proud and delighted to officially announce the new name of our freshly christened in-house magazine.

By Elena Betz

First and foremost, a big thank you to everyone who took part in our naming contest and submitted their creative suggestions. The response was overwhelming, and selecting a winner from the many fantastic ideas was quite a challenge.

After carefully considering all of the suggested names, we are delighted to announce the winner. From now on, our in-house magazine will be called "LLB Voices”.

The credit for this name goes to Thomas Kuster. Congratulations, Thomas – we hope you enjoy your hot air balloon ride!

graphic graphic
Thomas kuster is happy about the voucher for a balloon ride.

The name won us over with its significance and its ability to reflect the diversity of our workforce.
“LLB Voices” will speak for each and every one of you, representing your opinions, your experiences and your stories. This in-house magazine is intended not just to keep you abreast of the latest developments, but also to spotlight your contributions and ensure your voice is heard.

New: We’re going digital ...

The new name also symbolises the start of a fresh journey. “LLB Voices” will now appear three times a year in digital form. The online magazine will be available on the intranet and will be published in March and June. And we’re also thinking of publishing a special themed issue every September. We are thereby providing an engaging digital reading experience with a variety of content such as articles, videos, picture galleries and audio content. Our aim is to offer a broad spectrum of content that caters to your individual tastes. Expect interesting articles, relevant info from the LLB Group, and exciting stories.

… but there’ll still be a traditional print version

While we’ll be concentrating mainly on our digital version, we’ll also be publishing a printed issue every December. This is a special treat for all those who prefer the feel of a glossy magazine in their hands. We’ll be sure to conjure up something special for each issue – you won’t be disappointed!

Of course, our retired employees will also still have access to both the print and digital versions of “LLB Voices”.

And we’ll also be involving our international locations more to ensure they’re given a voice as well. Like the Nostalgia issue, our in-house magazine will also be published in English to foster a sense of unity throughout the Group.

Let’s embark on this exciting new journey together and make “LLB-Voices” something truly amazing.

We look forward to receiving your feedback at