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This year’s LLB Business Day Award will be presented on 27 September to a woman who has made a remarkable career comeback after a break. Inspiring role models can be nominated before 30 June. Following April’s packed-out After Work Talk for women in business, this is another event where the LLB will present itself as an attractive employer that is committed to diversity and equal opportunities.

By Gernot Bilz

The After Work Talks for women will now be held regularly as LLB networking events. They will centre around keynote speeches on interesting topics for female leaders and will also serve as a platform for the winners of the LLB Business Day Award in future. This award is being presented by Natalie Flatz, Head of International Wealth Management at the LLB, during the Business Day for Women at Vaduzer-Saal this year. It will go to a woman who has made a successful comeback after a lengthy break. Nominations can be submitted by email to before 30 June.

The substantial interest in our networking events for women in business demonstrates that the LLB is truly committed to diversity and equal treatment.

Natalie Flatz, Head of International Wealth Management at LLB
Women and prejudices

At the first After Work Talk for women in business, on the topic “Unconscious bias: Through which glasses do we see the world?”, Dr Ines Hartmann from the University of St.Gallen’s Competence Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) impressed around 60 female networkers from the business world with a keynote speech on the importance of unconscious biases. According to the CCDI’s Co-Director, these biases affect our ability to make rational and fair decisions. On the other hand, they also help to make quick decisions. “It is important that we aren’t too quick to pigeonhole people,” emphasises the scientist. “Women are more likely to be disadvantaged by biases in leadership positions and on their way to the top. One of the reasons is that most leadership teams still tend to be male-dominated, and they unconsciously prefer individuals who are similar to them.”

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At the LLB’s After Work Talks, women in business come together for keynote speeches and networking.
Women’s business forum

In contrast, the Business Day for Women, being held on 27 September in Vaduz, will be female-dominated. The LLB Business Day Award is being presented there for the seventh time. Speakers include the investor and philanthropist Carolina Müller-Möhl, as well as Katharina Mayer, founder of the startup Kuchentratsch, a social bakery in Munich where grandmas and grandpas bake and sell around 700 cakes together every week.

The LLB has been supporting Liechtenstein’s most important networking event for women since 2017, including with the presentation of the LLB Business Award. Each year, around 30 candidates from Liechtenstein, neighbouring Switzerland, and Vorarlberg apply.

LLB: equal opportunities for everyone

The LLB has been committed to diversity among its employees for years already. A diverse workforce, in which everyone enjoys equal opportunities, gives the LLB access to a large pool of talent with complementary skills and experiences. The LLB in Liechtenstein has been awarded the “We pay fair” label by the University of St.Gallen (HSG) for its commitment to pay equality between men and women. A daycare centre, as well as attractive remote working, part-time work and holiday arrangements, are further pillars of the LLB’s diversity efforts. In particular, these measures are intended to make it easier for female employees to return to work with a modern employer.

Important dates and links for women in business