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Martina Freund began her career at LLB as part of the Young Talent Programme. An experience that she describes as educational and impressive. Today, no longer a “Young” Talent, but still working for LLB, she gives us insights into her journey.

By Simone Bürzle

Martina, you started at LLB as a Young Talent. How would you describe that time in three sentences?
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Martina Freund started her career at the LLB as a young talent

My time as a trainee at LLB was a very educational and impressive time. I had the opportunity to contribute to many projects, ranging from small to large, and in a wide variety of business areas of the bank, from sales management to sustainability and IT architecture. I got to know many great people and departments, which significantly deepened my understanding of the overall processes and structure of LLB.

What skills and competencies were you able to develop or improve during that time?

I was able to develop and improve many skills, especially my understanding and skills in project management and process optimisation. I was also able to expand my general banking and financial knowledge through my involvement in a wide range of specialist areas. My network within the bank also grew through my traineeships and rotations.

What was the biggest project you were involved in as a Young Talent that has stuck in your mind? And how did you contribute to it?

The most defining project for me was the development of the LLB Pitcher. I was significantly involved in all stages from technical realisation to final implementation.

What exactly is the LLB Pitcher?

The LLB Pitcher enables our client advisors to create individually tailored, but nevertheless standardised, sales presentations for initial contact with clients. The program is based on VBA code in Excel and uses an extensive database of over 200 slides incorporating LLBʼs corporate design. These presentations cover a wide range of topics, including the advantages of the Liechtenstein financial centre, an introduction to our bank, and our extensive range of products and services.

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The LLB pitcher is based on an idea from Martina
As a Young Talent, how did you end up becoming the architect of the LLB Pitcher?

I took on the role of architect of the LLB Pitcher during my time in the Group Corporate Development department, when I attended a meeting with sales management. With Patrick Siebert and Michael Rosenberger, we discussed how to improve and standardise sales documents. There was already the idea of creating a modular system, but no concrete implementation existed, especially given that the prices for available systems on the market ranged from CHF 200,000 to CHF 2 million.

With my basic knowledge of the VBA programming language, I saw the possibility of implementing a solution using Excel. I created a prototype, which I presented at one of the following meetings. The positive response made it clear that we would develop this prototype into a complete solution. And so the project began – the LLB Pitcher.

Are there any particular successes or milestones that you are especially proud of?

I can think of three moments in particular. First, I was very pleased to see how well the first prototype was received by Michael and Patrick and that they even presented it to the Board of Management shortly afterwards. This was a huge motivator for me, reinforcing my conviction that we could really make a difference with the Pitcher. Another highlight was the pilot phase, during which we received valuable and constructive feedback from the teams led by Hendrik Idema, Hendrik Breitenstein, and Manuel Schir. This feedback enabled us to put the finishing touches on the Pitcher. Last but not least, the success after the launch was overwhelming: Already in the first week, more than 150 presentations were created with the Pitcher. The continuingly high usage – about 80 presentations per week – confirms that the Pitcher has become a valuable tool for our daily work.

Are you still involved in the project?

Yes, Iʼm still the contact person for technical questions about the LLB Pitcher, and Iʼm working on its further development. We have now also implemented the Pitcher template in English for our colleagues in the Middle East. We are currently expanding the service for LLB Österreich.

Now youʼre no longer a Young Talent. Where can you currently be found at LLB – and why there, specifically?

After my time as a Young Talent, I decided to join the Institutional Banking division. Here, Iʼm getting to know the world of institutional business, one of the core businesses of the bank. This is a fantastic contrast to my previous activities, since I never worked in a front office during my time as a trainee.

What advice would you give your younger self if you were a Young Talent again?

Take every opportunity you can to get to know different areas of the bank, through different traineeships or rotations. The experience you gather in different departments is incredibly valuable in gaining and understanding different perspectives within the bank, as well as in grasping and questioning the complexity of LLB from one end to the other.

Would you recommend the Young Talent Programme not only for the young talents themselves, but also for the departments, and why?

Most definitely, both for the talents and for the LLB departments. For the talents, the programme offers a unique opportunity to learn a lot in a short period of time. It also allows them to create a strong network within the bank, starting with the Young Talents Group. The accompanying Young Talents Weeks contribute to personal and professional development.

The departments can also benefit greatly from the Young Talent Programme. The Young Talents bring a breath of fresh air, new ideas, and external perspectives. Through their rotations in different departments, the Young Talents have the opportunity to build up comprehensive LLB knowledge.