
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft LLB Banking app reloaded: A look behind the scenes

An ambitious project was launched under the name “Mobile Hybrid”, which has now reached a preliminary high point with the rollout of the new LLB Banking app.

By Tobias Schlömer

The goal of the technical project was to develop a Mobile Banking app that is functionally and technically equivalent to Online Banking, but based on the wiLLBe platform. This meant adopting the same design components, programming language, technical substructure, and functions to the greatest extent possible, so as to make development more efficient.

It quickly became clear that simply adopting the Online Banking screens would not be enough. Adaptations to the form factor of mobile devices were necessary, and improvements also had to be incorporated into Online Banking.

The project team gathered broad feedback from clients, took existing requests for changes into account, and collected new input. Although the scope changed over the course of the project, the goal remained constant: “One platform, one front”.

The challenges in detail

In addition to the technical implementation, three areas were especially challenging: the basic design of the architecture, the UI/UX design of the individual components and views, and the business analysis. Three team members from these areas give a first-hand report on their contribution:

Markus Gnann, Overall UX concept
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“The challenge was to ensure a consistent experience for Mobile and Online Banking. This was especially difficult, given our aim of achieving standardisation even though our clientsʼ needs vary greatly and we already provide a wealth of functionality. During the design phase, I developed an information architecture that is suitable for both Mobile and Online Banking.

The goal was for it to be familiar yet flexible enough so that its use would be intuitive on any device. Numerous applications were analysed, best practices applied, user tests conducted, and the concept reviewed on an ongoing basis. I am proud that the initial designs we developed in the early phase have proven to be robust and still serve as the guide for implementation."

Markus Gnann, Overall UX concept
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“It was important for our design team to create an environment that makes the complexities of Online Banking simple and understandable for all of our clients. We wanted to meet the demands of the modern digital age while taking into account the needs of our existing users. The LLB rebranding, which took place in the middle of our development phase, was a challenge – we had to make a lot of adjustments to the half-finished app. 

Nevertheless, this also allowed us to set new accents in the design of the user interface and still remain recognisably LLB. What I especially like about the new Mobile Banking is the simple and clear bottom navigation and the fresh new user interface."

Patrick Feurstein, Business analysis
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“The work together in the project with everyone involved went very well, even though many different issues had to be discussed. The work was open, client-oriented, and results-oriented. Especially the changeover to just one app for all business units was challenging from a technical point of view. But the efforts paid off: 

Our clients can no longer confuse the apps and only have to install a single one. Scanning the mosaic is replaced by push notifications. Other advantages are the ‘mobile only’ activation and the fact that almost all Online Banking functions are now available on mobile phones. Almost every screen and every view has been adapted or completely redesigned. In this way, we have laid the foundations for many more years of successful e-banking development."