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Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG
9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Concept and design, system and programming

NeidhartSchön AG
8037 Zürich, Schweiz

Editorial staff

Cornelia Zeh und Elena Betz (Lead), André Hilla, Anja Koeder, Angélique Hasler, Bernhard Lendi, Hendrik Idema, Laura Romano, Steffen Sturm

Front Page

The cover picture shows the exuberant atmosphere at our Crew Night 2024.



Page 3, 11: Daniel Ospelt
Page 5, 15, 17–18, 41, 42: Simone Bürzle
Page 8, 9: Roland Korner
Page 10, 21: pxhere
Page 16, 35, 44: LLB
Page 14, 19, 23: pexels
Page 22: Anja Koeder
Page 24: Laura Romano
Page 25: Angélique Hasler
Page 26: Hendrik Idema
Page 28: Bernhard Lendi
Page 29: Steffen Sturm
Page 31–32: Daniel Gassner
Page 33: Jessica Francisco
Page 36–38 : LLB trainees
Page 39–40: Drink & Donate 
Page 46, 48–49: Martin Joppen
Page 27, 50: Pixabay

Video production

Editorial: Simone Bürzle und Christoph Jentzsch
Crew Night: Daniel Gassner

Distributor circle

Employees and pensioners