
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft LLB Schweiz – Implementation of strategy

Since our strategy update for the Swiss market in May last year, the project team has been carrying out a wide range of strategic work in the background. We would now like to give you an update on our progress.

By Cornelia Zeh

We have been working intensively on various topics within the Implementation of the Swiss Market Strategy project in recent months. The focus has been on developing the value proposition for LLB Schweiz as a whole as well as for the individual segments, the target operating models for each segment, the infrastructure, and the recruitment for our new locations in Zurich and St. Gallen.

We are in a transformation phase where we are setting the course for the future. One challenge is certainly that client needs will continue to change, and we already want to anticipate these needs today so we can respond to them in the best possible way.

Zurich: Ready for new challenges

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Christian Fernandez

In Zurich, LLB Schweiz will move into its offices at the existing LLB location on the Claridenstrasse. The first employees will start working at the office in spring:

Christian Fernandez, Head of Private Banking, had his first day of work on 1 March 2024. He is assuming overall responsibility for the private banking market for Zurich and Winterthur.

We are pleased to have gained three new client advisors for the Corporate Clients team:

  • Ferdinand Lüttin will start on 1 April 2024. Ferdinand has been working for Migros Bank in Aarau since January 2021, most recently as the branch representative for corporate clients in Aarau.
  • Priska Metje has been a corporate client advisor for large clients at Credit Suisse since September 2019. She will begin her work at LLB Schweiz on 1 May 2024.
  • Patrick Jetter will join us on 1 June 2024. He has been a corporate client advisor at Credit Suisse in Zurich since 2017, most recently advising and managing his own corporate client portfolio for medium-sized and large corporate clients.

In addition, Timon Abramovic will move to the Corporate Clients team in Zurich on 1 April, where he will provide support as a business specialist.

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Ferdinand Lüttin
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Priska Metje
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Patrick Jetter
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Timon Abramovic

St. Gallen: Central location

We have found a new location for LLB Schweiz in St. Gallen as well: We are moving into two floors in a very central location. The client area is located on the ground floor and the workplaces on the first floor. In total, the St. Gallen office offers space for about 12 employees. Recruitment is moving ahead at full speed.

The current focus is on the design and layout of the rooms and on branding. Opening is currently planned for summer but depends considerably on our recruitment progress.

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Visualisation offices St. Gallen
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Visualisation offices St. Gallen
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Visualisation offices St. Gallen

Existing branches of LLB Schweiz

In addition to our new offices in St. Gallen and Zurich, there will also be changes at our existing branches. We have already communicated the closure of our on-demand locations. It is important to emphasise that these locations are being closed for consultations because only very few clients ever visited. Accordingly, we closed our branches in Meilen, Mels, Altendorf, and Rüti at the end of January 2024, followed by Kaltbrunn in February.

All information on our on-demand locations as well as their ATMs and safe deposit boxes can be found on the intranet

LLB Schweiz has a physical presence for our clients in Uznach, Sargans, Lachen, Rapperswil, Winterthur, and Frauenfeld, as well as our locations opening over the course of the year, namely Zurich and St. Gallen. The further development and adjustment of our location concept for branches with and without desk service is currently in preparation.