
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Beaming winners at the Swiss Employer Award

Interview with Urs Müller and Thomas Kornexl

By Gernot Bilz

On 18 January in Zurich, you accepted the Swiss Employer Award (Swiss Arbeitgeber Award, SAA) on behalf of the LLB. What was the moment like when it was announced that the LLB had won in the 1000+ employees category?

Thomas Kornexl: It was a surprising but wonderful moment for me when our company name appeared on the screen! Especially since I didnʼt expect it, given the two other well-known companies in the top 3!

You knew that the LLB was in the top 3, but you only found out at the event that we had won. Itʼs like the Oscars. Did you prepare two speeches: one as the winner, and one for second or third place?

Urs Müller: No, I just let things happen. I wasnʼt expected to give a speech, but rather to answer the moderatorʼs questions spontaneously.

How important is the SAA for the LLB?

Urs Müller: Itʼs clearly more than simply a confirmation. Knowing that our employees are very satisfied overall and show a high level of commitment is of course wonderful and gives us a lot of motivation. And if we also come out on top in our category, this is outstanding in the truest sense of the word. It means that our outstanding performance is recognised both internally and externally.

Many employer awards now exist. Why is the SAA so significant for the LLB?

Thomas Kornexl: In my view, the Swiss Employer Award offers a good national comparison with a wide range of industries and companies. Because the employee survey is the basis for this award, we receive important feedback from employees and have the opportunity to compare our results with previous years.

Where and how are we using the award now?

Thomas Kornexl: We are happy to be able to use the award both internally and externally in our employer branding communication. But the award should also always remind us of what we still need to work on!

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Urs Müller and Thomas Kornexl are delighted to receive the Swiss Employer Award.
Speaking from experience: Is an award like the SAA really an important reason why someone chooses the LLB as an employer?

Thomas Kornexl: I think itʼs a good piece in the mosaic for applicants as to why they should choose the LLB. It gives candidates who are not yet familiar with the LLB a good feeling that they are switching to a very good employer.

Constructive criticism is important and helps a company move forward.

Urs Müller, Head of Retail & Corporate Banking
Because of which criteria did the LLB ultimately deserve to win the SAA?

Thomas Kornexl: I was able to conduct similar surveys at other companies – what has particularly impressed me at the LLB, apart from the high response rate, is the exemplary way in which top management has dealt with the results.

The Group Executive Board and the entire top management are working intensively on improvement measures. I think the Group Executive Boardʼs workshops with employees are also one of a kind, showing how important the results of the employee survey are for management!

Our success with the SAA is closely linked to the excellent evaluations that employees gave the LLB in the employee survey. At the same time, employees have also expressed criticism about the LLB as an employer. Does that fit together?

Urs Müller: Yes, absolutely. No person and no company is perfect. There are always critical voices. And thatʼs a good thing. Constructive criticism is important and helps a company move forward.

The Group Executive Board has met with more than 70 employees in five workshops to discuss improvements that were brought up in the employee survey. What is the status of these follow-up measures?

Urs Müller: Following these workshops, the Group Executive Board consolidated the results and then discussed them with the entire senior management. Several teams are currently developing proposals to address the three focus areas in which we would like to improve. We are planning to provide information about this starting at the end of the first quarter.