
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft The future of mobility – together on the road to sustainability


Letʼs take a look at a perfect green future. Many people already have an idea of what this might look like. But what does it mean specifically? And what would mobility look like in this future? Jürgen Zeitlberger peers into the crystal ball.

By Jürgen Zeitlberger

In a world where the impact of climate change is becoming more and more apparent, we are on the threshold to a new era of mobility. The days when roads were dominated by polluting vehicles are coming to an end. A new superhero of the roads is taking the stage – Green Mobility.

Just imagine: Vehicles whizzing through the city so quietly you can hear a squirrel contemplating its next nutty adventure. They glide smoothly and efficiently through the streets, their aerodynamic designs not just an aesthetic feature, but a symbol of their role as environmental pioneers on wheels. Charging stations – which look like modern telephone booths – are the key to charging these electric heroes. A simple plug, and the batteries have already charged faster than you can say “climate neutrality”. But not only individual means of transportation are part of this green revolution. Local public transport is also changing. Buses and trains now run on clean energy while producing fewer emissions than ever before.

On the way to perfecting green mobility

Of course, there are challenges on the road to perfect green mobility. Battery technology needs to advance, and it takes time to raise awareness of the benefits of smaller, more efficient vehicles. But we are making progress. Soon the only emissions we see will be the steam from our cup of coffee. The future of mobility is green, and we are ready to shape it together. After all, who says saving the planet canʼt be a fun joyride?

The role of the LLB

The LLB is playing an important role in driving these changes forward. By providing incentives and support, we are making the use of green means of transport more attractive while rewarding environmental awareness. Time to get excited about our mobility week in June!