
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft A heartfelt servus! from Munich – our new location in Bavaria


It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our location in Munich – the heart of Bavaria. The LLB has opened its doors in the Lehel district and is ready to conquer the world of finance in the Free State of Bavaria.

By Jochen Schindler-Nagy, Lennart Marx und Anja Scheerbarth

Our new office, located within walking distance of the city centre and between the Isar and the English Garden, welcomes you with Bavarian charm. The prestigious old building with ornamental stucco on the ceilings, herringbone parquet flooring, and a view of the green surroundings is the perfect place to inspire our clients with the LLBʼs high-quality, tailored banking solutions. It also offers sufficient space for smaller client events on site.

Early days at the LLB in Germany

In addition to the demanding training phase in the first few weeks, we worked intensively on infrastructure and mastered logistical challenges. We are now looking forward to spending more time with our clients every day.

LLB in Bavaria – more than just Munich

With our location in Bavaria – the largest state in Germany in terms of area, roughly twice that of Switzerland, and a population of about 12.8 million – we are not only focusing on the Munich metropolitan region, but also want to attract clients from the surrounding area to the LLB. We are, for instance, paying particular attention to the municipality of Starnberg, approximately 30 kilometres south of Munich. As the city with the highest purchasing power and the highest density of millionaires in Germany, Starnberg offers special potential for us in private banking.

Bavaria and in particular Munich are dynamic economic regions in Europe that are home not only to companies with a long tradition as well as excellent universities and research institutes, but also a rapidly growing number of start-ups in a wide range of sectors.

Weʼre proud of our FC Bayern and Oktoberfest – the largest Volksfest in the world, which attracts millions of guests from all over the world to Munich every year.

Corporate culture in Munich

Since weʼve been successful in recruiting a fantastic team of experienced employees, our aim is to bring the valuable corporate culture of the parent bank in Liechtenstein to Munich. We want to offer an especially attractive workplace where our team can realise its full potential and contribute to the further growth of the LLB Group.

Together, we want to achieve our ambitious growth targets and benefit from the wealth of experience of each individual employee. We are convinced that this will distinguish us from our competitors.

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Shared vision and outlook

In 2024, we will complete our team in Munich and place a particular focus on the human factor. Respect and cooperation as partners are just as important to us as professional competence, and we are convinced that this is the key to success. We will introduce value-adding rituals, such as a welcome day for new employees and celebrating successes together.

Our focus in 2024 will be on increasing familiarity with the LLB brand in the German market and positioning the LLB in the target segment as the most trusted bank in the world.

With the values of the LLB, an excellent range of services, and the right arguments for todayʼs challenges, we want to achieve substantial growth in the first year and lay the foundations for a successful future for the LLB on the German market.

We are especially looking forward to intensive and successful cooperation with our esteemed colleagues in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt, as well as in Liechtenstein, Austria, and Switzerland.

Faces and stories of the LLB in Munich

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Jochen Schindler-Nagy, Head of Private Banking Munich

As a value-oriented banker, I bring my many years of experience in investment banking, asset management, and wealth management to the team. My goal is to inspire our clients with excellent and reliable advice in all financial matters.

In my private life, my family and especially my two daughters take centre stage. As a former competitive athlete, I continue to do sport as much as possible with friends, acquaintances, and clients. Whether on a racing bike through the Serra de Tramuntana or a tennis match followed by a cold drink – I welcome everything that is fun and brings people together.

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Lennart Marx, Deputy Head of Private Banking Munich

I have been working in banking for more than 15 years, including more than ten years in private banking and wealth management in Munichʼs financial centre. As a banker with a strong network in the region and a creative mind, I live by the motto: “Nothing is impossible!” This positive attitude is also reflected in my work, where I always strive to find the best possible solutions for every client.

For recreation and balance, I like to cook for friends and family and play golf in Munich and the surrounding region.

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Anja Scheerbarth, Assistenz Private Banking Munich

I started as an assistant in private banking 15 years ago. With my extensive experience as an assistant in various sectors, I promise to support the LLB enthusiastically and with conviction – without losing sight of the pleasure I take in my work.

I love the mountains and the sea and enjoy traveling with my husband and our two sons. I gather energy and strength from yoga and also on the edge of the football pitch.