
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft XENTIS – The next steps


In the coming months and years, we expect to take further steps at the project and functional levels that will further increase the performance and user-friendliness of our platform.

By Elena Betz

Here is an overview of the planned developments:

At the functional level 

Following the successful implementation of the basic functionalities, many enhancements are coming up next. These include further fund reporting in PDF format that can be customised for each client, including comprehensive performance analysis, VaR funds, and real foreign currency tranches. In addition, completely new modules are being introduced, including XENTIS Direct Order (XDO) and XENTIS Front Office.

At the project level

Completion of introduction in Austria

With the last fund migration, full introduction of XENTIS basic functionalities will be completed in Austria by 31 May 2024.

XENTIS introduction in Liechtenstein

The year 2024 will be used to prepare for the migration, with the first funds to be migrated in the first half of 2025.

Expansion phase for additional client reporting

We are expanding our client reporting functionalities to provide our clients with even more comprehensive insights.

Front-end expansion in 2025

In the expansion phase for the client front end, which will start in 2025, it will be possible to enter orders independently in XENTIS. In addition, this enhancement will make it possible to carry out a real-time pre-check of investment compliance rules.

Project completion

The entire XENTIS project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2025.