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Dear colleagues

Since it was founded, LLB has always stood for the highest levels of stability and security. But also for change. And therefore, over the course of time, we have developed from a savings bank in Liechtenstein into a successful international banking group.


Now we are about to add another important chapter in the history of the LLB Group with our rebranding. In future, we will appear uniformly on the market als LLB, a self-confident, modern and strong brand. You can discover the background to our new market presence in this edition of LLB Voices.

In addition to our rebranding, we have put together further interesting subjects for you in this issue of LLB Voices. Enjoy our review of the exciting events of the “LLB Summer in the Courtyard” and learn interesting facts about our future market presence in Germany including an interesting video clip from Urs Müller and Martin Heutschi.

And did you know that the Group CFO Division is the undisputed LLB frontrunner in terms of diversity? No? Then read the interview with Christoph Reich.

As you can see, many interesting articles are waiting for you. I hope you enjoy reading our latest edition of LLB Voices and I am delighted about the launch of our new brand.

Gabriel Brenna
Group CEO