
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Bank Linth becomes LLB

We are pursuing a one-brand strategy with our rebranding campaign. From now on all Group companies will operate under the uniform LLB brand. For Bank Linth this means that, starting immediately, it will become LLB (Schweiz) AG.

By Cornelia Zeh

Bank Linth has been a member of the LLB Group since 2007. Last year it was taken over completely and subsequently delisted from the Swiss Exchange. Following the announcement of the strategy for the Swiss market, the next step will be for us to build on existing strengths to grow further in Switzerland through LLB (Schweiz) AG.

Phased introduction

The changeover to the new name and market appearance will take place in phases. All the relevant Word-based forms and documents, such as agreements and contracts, have already been completely changed. System-generated client output, such as account statements, already contain the new logo; however, until all the technical IT aspects have been finanlised, it may still occur that the “Bank Linth” name appears in certain texts.

The brand changeover from Bank Linth to LLB represents a milestone in the history of our bank. We will rely on our strong local roots and combine them with the innovative solutions of the LLB Group to offer our clients an even better banking experience.

Manfred Pfammatter, member of senior management LLB (Schweiz) AG

A phased approach will also be adopted in changing over our factsheets and brochures to the new design. The existing website will now be redirected to All employees of  LLB Schweiz have already been issued with a new e-mail address. The online banking programme has already been changed over to the new market appearance. In contrast, the mobile banking system will only be rebranded in parallel with the launch of the new mobile banking app. At the branch offices in Uznach and Rapperswil the building signage has already be changed. The other regional offices will follow successively during the next few weeks.

You can obtain further information regarding the adaptation to our new market apperance on our brandportal

A brochure was issued to inform Bank Linth clients about the changes.