
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Financial coach – promoting financial literacy among young people

We are actively committed to the financial education of children, which is why we have launched the financial coach initiative. As the oldest bank in Liechtenstein, we see it as our duty to teach young people about responsible money management. Marie Müller from the Group Sponsoring & Live Experience Marketing Team is closely involved in the project and was happy to answer some questions about this unique initiative.

By Bernhard Lendi

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How did this new educational initiative come about?

Recognising that financial literacy is rarely, if ever, addressed in the school curriculum, we felt compelled to take action. We’re firm believers that sound money management is a skill that should be taught, given its importance to leading a responsible and debt-free life. And saving for the future is particularly important in this sense.

Katrin Gerster

“It's nice to see how receptive the teachers are and how eager they are to participate in our pilot project.”

Samuel Kaiser

“I was sold on the idea from the beginning, and I love sharing my knowledge with the younger generation.”

How does financial coach work?

Financial coach is aimed at fourth- and fifth-year primary school pupils. We offer classroom sessions and a 90-minute learning programme, which also includes games to make it more fun. The pupils are taught about basic economic principles and how to manage money properly. The course is delivered by our colleagues, Katrin Gerster and Samuel Kaiser, who explain the content in a clear and engaging way that resonates well with the young audience. We have developed this educational programme in collaboration with the Liechtenstein Bankers Association.

Chantall Boso

“The kids are all ears. They hang on our every word, get involved and ask great questions.”

Fabienne Sprecher

“We were thrilled with the positive feedback. It would be fantastic if we could also get teenagers or adults interested in what we're offering.”

Why is the LLB championing this cause?

We believe we have a social responsibility to support young people when it comes to questions about money and finance. We are the first and so far the only bank in Liechtenstein to actively promote financial literacy among the younger generation. We believe that a well-educated youth holds the keys to our future. With financial coach, we want to contribute towards making this vision a reality.

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Katrin Gerster and Samuel Kaiser at the first implementation of the financial coach in Eschen.

How has the programme been received by the schools?

The project is still in the pilot phase. Two school classes from Unterland have already attended our sessions at the Eschen branch. The success of our initiative and the positive feedback from the pupils have encouraged us to keep forging ahead with it. In addition to covering more school classes from Unterland, we are also planning to roll out the programme in Oberland, where the sessions will be held at our Vaduz branch.

More information about the topic

Two of our apprentices worked with the aha youth association to record a podcast episode on the topic of financial education.

Have a listen for yourself!

The podcast is only available in German.