
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Beware cyber risks

In 2023, three main types of threats caused headaches for cyber security managers around the world: malware, ransomware and phishing.

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By Berit Pietschmann

Malware attacks

The term malware encompasses all kinds of damaging software. Malware is used to infiltrate, damage or disable computers, computer systems, networks and devices. In a malware attack, cybercriminals often take control of some of the system functions.

Ransomware attacks

Ransomware is a form of malware that can be used to encrypt files or block access to a system or device. Once the malware has been installed, cybercriminals demand the payment of a ransom from their victims to release access to the system.

Phishing attacks

This form of attack is usually the most well-known as it affects the end-user side and impacts our daily lives. Thanks to the latest technologies and the use of artificial intelligence, cybercriminals have perfected their techniques, whether by faking the voice of a friend during vishing or by smishing attacks via SMS or WhatsApp.

And how do the hackers get into the system or obtain sensitive data?

Correct – they often do so by e-mail. To protect yourself from such attacks, we have summarised the most important basic rules for handling e-mails securely.

What should I always do whenever I receive an e-mail?

Verify the sender. That is, hover your mouse over the sender’s name in the e-mail header and see if the address displayed there matches the (alleged) sender.

What should I pay attention to before opening e-mail attachments?

Before opening attachments, always question whether it makes sense for you to receive them. In other words, had you agreed with the sender that they would be sending this document? If in doubt, please ask again.

What should a password never contain?

Names of family members, pets or similar.

What should a password always contain?

Special characters. Password managers can help you generate secure codes.

Pro tip

Often, an in-person conversation is better than an e-mail. This is because there is zero risk of sending data in error or opening attachments that could literally turn out to be a gateway to the abyss.

The most important cybercrime updates can also be found in the monthly security news bulletin from the Business Risk Management team on the intranet.