
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Recruiting talent together – your contribution counts


The battle for talent is increasingly intense – also at LLB. You, our employees, play a crucial role in attracting new talent. Not only can you discover new talent, but you can also benefit from our referral programme.

By Laura Romano

Itʼs no longer a secret that thereʼs a shortage of specialists and that this will become even more acute in the coming years. The ageing population, the retirement of baby boomers from the labour market, and the changing demands of younger generations in terms of work and life will make it even more difficult to recruit new employees. As LLB, we can work together to counteract this and you, our employees, can actively help to attract new talent. But how? Here are three simple ways you can support us in our recruitment efforts:

1. Referral programme – you are our ambassadors

Your positive experiences with LLB and sharing these experiences with friends and acquaintances can inspire potential candidates to become part of LLB. You can convey an authentic picture of the working environment, the company values, and LLB in general. As a thank you, you can receive a small reward for a successful referral. Find out more about the referral programme on the intranet.

2. Social media – actively support us on social media

Social media is important for our employer branding and recruitment. Social media helps us to advertise job vacancies and strengthen our corporate image, enabling us to attract potential candidates. You can easily contribute to increasing our reach and visibility. Be active on social media and share posts – especially those related to job openings – with your network on LinkedIn and the like. Are you feeling unsure about how to use social media? Our marketing department offers regular training courses on how to present yourself professionally on LinkedIn – a good place to start.

3. Evaluation portals for companies – provide insights into LLB

Many applicants find out about companies in advance on platforms such as Kununu and Glassdoor. You can contribute to providing transparent insights into LLB with “anonymous” ratings and comments. We are already doing very well, receiving the Top Company label from Kununu in 2023 with a score of 4.3, which makes us one of the top 5 companies on the platform. Please continue to rate us so that we can provide positive insights.

After recruitment, colleagues naturally also play a crucial role. It is important to support new employees so that they quickly settle in and feel comfortable at LLB.