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Dear Colleagues

In this issue of “LLB Voices”, we’re celebrating the warm months after a rainy spring and focusing on the positives.

You are all at the heart of LLB: your passion, commitment and creativity help us to jointly chart a path towards success. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment. But we also want our words to be followed by deeds – by what we’re demonstrating with the actions linked to the employee survey.

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For me, one highlight over the last few weeks was our lake trip together on the MS Sonnenkönigin. I was delighted to welcome so many of you on board and to have time to get to know you in person. You can find the most beautiful pictures in this issue of “LLB Voices”. At the end of May, we also celebrated the official opening of our new locations in Germany at a special venue: the Alte Oper in Frankfurt. It was a great evening with great people.

This issue also offers fascinating, gripping interviews with René Zwicky, Jousry Abdel-Khalek and the project Zeitpolster.

In this vein, I hope you enjoy reading it and wish you a beautiful and sunny summer.

Yours faithfully

Gabriel Brenna
Group CEO

Welcome address by Christoph Reich, Group CFO