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For seven years already, LLB has been promoting sustainable drinking water as part of the “DRINK & DONATE” project. The donations – CHF 60.00 per employee per year – are used for sustainable water projects in less privileged parts of the world.

By Michael Verling

“DRINK & DONATE” is a public-benefit association based in Vaduz and Zurich that promotes the consumption of our local high-quality tap water instead of bottled branded water. The consumption of one litre of branded water requires between 1.1 and 2.5 decilitres of mineral oil for production, transportation, distribution, etc., depending on where the water is produced and transported. In contrast, in our region we have the very best drinking water straight from the tap. Already since 2017, LLB in Liechtenstein has been providing its employees and clients with high-quality tap water and has helped thousands of people to have a sustainable supply of drinking water.

Expansion of drinking water system in Mozambique

The ORATTA project, which we supported in 2023, expands drinking water systems in the south-east African country of Mozambique. In the five affected districts of Cabo Delgado, half of the population has no access to clean drinking water, and only one in five people use sanitary facilities. Schoolchildren often miss part of their school day because they have to walk to faraway watering places and relieve themselves somewhere in the bushes. The consequences are severe diarrheal diseases that can even lead to death. Moreover, girls often stay away from school during their menstruation or stop attending school altogether when they start their first period because they have no access to hygiene products or lack water for hygiene at school.

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The ORATTA project supported the expansion of drinking water facilities in Mozambique in 2023
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In some regions of the country, large parts of the population have no access to clean drinking water. Children are particularly affected
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Around 50,000 people will benefit from the HELVETAS project, which is supported by the LLB

This is where the HELVETAS project supported by LLB comes in: by building and repairing small water systems in the communities, by educating the population about hygiene and health, by equipping schools with water supply and sanitary facilities, by training craftspeople in the construction of latrines, by training the water and hygiene commissions of the communities, and by training the public authorities and private companies with regard to water infrastructure projects. In total, about 50,000 people – especially children, young people, and women – will benefit from this project.

We are proud of the fact that we have already provided many thousands of people in Benin, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Mozambique with sustainable access to drinking water and sanitary facilities. This is true to our slogan “From the country, for the country” – but understood a bit more globally.