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In the ever-changing world of work, the targeted development of young talent is an important responsibility for companies. Training apprentices is a crucial element in this regard.

By Anja Schlup-Feichtinger

Everyone is talking about skills shortages, the war for talent, and the dried-up labour market these days. These are major concerns for HR departments and managers in particular. To ensure a future with skilled young talent, investment and innovation in the right places are needed. This is why we have been investing in apprenticeship training for decades, enabling us to create sustainable solutions with former apprentices from within our own ranks.

With a one-year placement right after completing their apprenticeship, we offer our apprentices the opportunity to gain further professional experience at our bank. At the same time, our apprentices have the opportunity to choose a specialist area and apply internally for a permanent position during that year. This model turns out to be very popular, as the following success stories show.

Lea Bachofen, Private Banking EAM Assistant, apprenticeship certificate 2022

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During my bank apprenticeship, I acquired extensive knowledge in financing, investing, and basic products, and I learned the craft of client care. Today, I successfully apply my knowledge in working with external asset managers, foreign clients, and institutional clients, and I have the opportunity to make sustainable decisions in a dynamic environment.

My medium-term goal

I am looking forward to starting my part-time course of studies in Banking & Finance this autumn while continuing to support my team at work. This training will give me even more in-depth skills in the financial markets, risk management, and banking, which I can continuously transfer into practice and apply in a profitable way.

Moritz Bernold, Corporate Clients Assistant, apprenticeship certificate 2021

If you want to get ahead, you can! Every day I am confronted with new topics, responsibilities, and situations that I have the opportunity to solve. This challenges and encourages me and allows me to learn something new, both professionally and on an interpersonal level.

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My highlights

I thought the variety I experienced during my apprenticeship was great. I was able to change departments every six months, which gave me a good overview. I learned to understand interrelationships and find out which responsibilities I especially liked.

My wish came true when I joined my favourite area, corporate banking, right after my apprenticeship. Client advisors always include me in their work, and I can deepen and develop my knowledge on the job every day and actively contribute my suggestions for optimisation, which makes my day-to-day work interesting and educational.

Marigona Nujici, Private Banking Assistant, apprenticeship certificate 2022

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As part of continuous development within the LLB, we not only find the key to success, but also the power to actively shape the future.

Recommendation for further development within the LLB Group

I recommend actively participating in knowledge sharing, networking, and constantly taking on new challenges. We should always remain curious and committed and seize every opportunity to develop our potential.