
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft New beginnings at the Opernplatz:
The LLBʼs location in Frankfurt


We are the Frankfurt team and would like to welcome you to our location – at Opernplatz XIV, in a breathtaking setting opposite the Alte Oper and close to the financial district. The combination of modern architecture and historical sights gives the location a unique character.

By Elena Betz

Our new office building is more than just a workplace. The architecture and furnishings create a contemporary environment that also offers space for creativity and personal growth. It combines 160 years of tradition with a dynamic, start-up-like culture.

A sense of community and new beginnings

The orientation days in Vaduz were the launch of an exciting journey during which we were able to experience the corporate values up close. This sense of new beginnings also accompanies us at our new location. The spirit of togetherness, mutual support, and collegial teamwork have created an especially pleasant working atmosphere right from the start, contributing significantly to our successful integration. Our team culture put into practice and our respectful interaction with each other make the Frankfurt location a centre of shared growth and success.

Challenges mastered

There were also challenges, of course, particularly when it came to furnishing our new office. Minor delays in the delivery of furniture caused some initial inconveniences, but thanks to the excellent support of our colleagues in Vaduz, we were able to resolve them quickly. We are now proud of our new premises, which have been perfectly adapted to our needs despite minor hurdles. We would like to express our special thanks also to the IT department for the smooth implementation and launch of the systems. Since day one, the IT infrastructure has been working superbly, allowing us to get off to a seamless start in our workflow.

Together into the future: A new chapter begins

We look forward to the coming years and to setting new milestones together. One of these milestones is to establish the LLB brand in the Frankfurt region for the long term. Our priority goal is to make our values tangible and play a significant role in strengthening the LLB. We strive not only to contribute actively to growth, but also to deliver a measurable impact on the implementation of our strategy.

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Establishing the LLB in Frankfurt

For the future of the location, we are committed to stable and steady growth, especially with respect to assets, client satisfaction, and income. Our focus is on strengthening our position in the Frankfurt region and significantly increasing the perception of the LLB brand. To increase our visibility, we are envisaging strategic marketing measures such as the planned opening ceremony for the German locations at the Alte Oper in May 2024. These events not only serve to strengthen our presence, but also to appeal to potential clients.

Connection to Liechtenstein as the key

In a city like Frankfurt, which is already home to numerous banks, our aim is to stand out – a special challenge. Our approach lies in our uniqueness: our origins in Liechtenstein and as one of the most trusted banks, communicating on an equal footing with German-speaking clients. This combination clearly differentiates us and offers unique added value that puts us in a strong position. For our long-term vision, we see ourselves as a major market player in Frankfurt, playing a prominent role in the regionʼs financial scene.

Intensive cooperation and synergies

Cooperation between the locations will be intensive. Daily exchanges, regular jour fixes, and joint pitches to clients are planned in order to share knowledge and create synergies. Through this overarching collaboration, we aim to establish a strong, unified presence for our brand.

New faces, shared values – introducing our team members

Matthias Luck is convinced by the LLBʼs orientation and values. He is highly motivated by his time in competitive sport. For him, investing is not just a job, but also a personal hobby.

Matthias Luck, Head of Private Banking Frankfurt

“For me, entering the German market is not just a responsibility, but also a fascinating challenge. In the Frankfurt team, I experience a team spirit that will lead us to success together.”

With more than 25 years of experience in client and investment advice, Mathias Falkner has a clear focus on the wishes of clients. He stands for excellent advice and client interaction characterised by respect and integrity.

Mathias Falkner, Private Banking Frankfurt

“The joint orientation days in Vaduz were key – our Germany team, especially from Frankfurt, has grown together. Everyone helps each other in a supportive environment, and after just a few weeks, the LLBʼs values are being reflected in our work together.”

With more than two decades of experience in banking, Christian Chester has been contributing his expertise in advising private banking clients on investments for 16 years. His experience also extends to departments such as business development and corporate communications. His word is his bond – a commitment not only his colleagues, but above all his clients can rely on.

Christan Chester, Private Banking Frankfurt

“As a team player, a corporate culture that matches my personal values is especially important to me. Conversations with my colleagues at the LLB have been characterised by great mutual appreciation and esteem.”

After 22 years at Deutsche Bank, Maria Zagora is delighted to be part of the LLB family. The LLBʼs values have convinced her, and the opportunity for new challenges, personal development, and an improved work-life balance provide additional motivation.

Maria Zagora, Assistenz Private Banking Frankfurt

“The orientation week in Vaduz strengthened our team from the outset. I look forward to using my organisational skills, team spirit and, above all, a client-oriented approach to further strengthen our successful path.”