
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Behind the scenes: A conversation with Estefany Wiedemann

Your computer isnʼt working, the printer isnʼt doing what you want, or Microsoft Word has developed a life of its own... so what do we do? Of course, we create a ticket (service request, incident, or change). But have we ever thought about what happens then, and who takes care of it?

By Cornelia Zeh

Every morning, we turn on our computer without giving it a second thought and start work. But what would we do without our colleagues in IT when something doesnʼt work the way we want it to? We spoke to Estefany Wiedemann from the IT eWorkplace department about her work.

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Together with her colleagues, Estefany looks after the entire IT infrastructure at our workplaces in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and now also Germany. Her day-to-day work involves processing service requests. “All tickets are first processed by the Service Desk (first-level support)," explains Estefany. These requests involve restoring network drives, providing support for working from home, and granting permissions and privileges, for example. If the Service Desk is unable to resolve the ticket and if the problem involves a workplace, IT eWorkplace kicks in as second-level support. There is no such thing as a typical working day for Estefany and her colleagues. “Our daily routine has a lot of variety. Even our place of work can vary thanks to the different locations of the LLB.” Estefany was in Frankfurt with her supervisor to provide the infrastructure for our new German colleagues.

About IT eWorkplace

The IT eWorkplace department is responsible for supporting the entire IT infrastructure for workplaces in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi. IT eWorkplace serves as second-level support. In addition to their support responsibilities, the IT eWorkplace team also manages all notebooks, printers, peripherals, and video conferencing systems. Tasks also include the provision and maintenance of telephone sets, iPhones, and iPads – and not to forget IT hardware stock management, including inventory. The team is also responsible for the implementation and support of advertising displays, safe deposit box management for clients, and room booking systems (digital door signs).

Unusual career

During our conversation, it becomes clear that Estefany is passionate about her profession and would always choose this path again. “I originally trained as a hairdresser and completed additional training as a make-up artist. I enjoyed the contact with people – but I missed the challenge,” Estefany says. She had always been fascinated by IT, so she started her apprenticeship as an IT specialist early on. “The wide range of responsibilities, the constant new challenges, and the ever-changing technology fascinate me.” But isnʼt IT dry and not nearly as creative as hairdressing? Estefany laughs. “No, I donʼt think so at all. We can very well be creative in IT.” She explains that her job isnʼt just about solving service requests: “IT involves so much more: IT projects, hardware evaluation, standardisation, contact with people – and new technologies are always being added. Some problems can be solved in seconds, while others take longer – and may indeed require creativity. Because many roads lead to Rome.”

“Many roads lead to Rome”

And when asked in conclusion what she likes most about her job, Estefany replies: “That itʼs always exciting – you never stop learning.”

About Estefany Wiedemann

Estefany is originally from Zurich and now lives with her husband in Schaan. She likes to spend her free time walking, hiking, or at the gym. She also enjoys cooking and trying out new recipes. “I really enjoy living in Schaan. Itʼs a big contrast to Zurich – but I was happy to swap Zurichʼs high-rises for the mountains.”

  • At LLB since: August 2022
  • Function: IT Technician, IT eWorkplace
  • Life motto: Progress through further training