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Dear Colleagues

The arrival of spring brings renewal and a breath of fresh air.

I would like to welcome you to the first issue of LLB Voices in the new year. We can look back with pride on a successful past year: In addition to an excellent operating result, we have also initiated many new developments together that will have a significant impact on the future of the LLB. Our expansion in Germany, our new strategy in Switzerland and, of course, our Group-wide rebranding are just a few examples.

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From employee portraits to corporate initiatives, the pages of this issue provide insights into the many facets of the life of our enterprise. One example is the introduction of Salesforce – a customer relationship management platform – which marks a significant milestone for our future client care.

While perusing this issue, I learned new and surprising things myself – such as the rich history of Haus Linde, which is home to several LLB departments. 

While we look forward, we must not forget our roots. Our LLB stands for more than just growth and innovation. It also stands for continuity and consistency, recently confirmed by winning the Swiss Employer Award (Swiss Arbeitgeber Award). This fills me with particular pride – it is not something that can be taken for granted. The award is not only a recognition, but also a strong motivation for our future, in which we will continue to be successful together.

I hope you enjoy discovering our latest issue of LLB Voices.

Gabriel Brenna 
Group CEO

Welcome address by Natalie Flatz, Head of the International Wealth Management Division