
Information checkedInformation unaudited Information geprüft Information ungeprüft Shaping a diverse and inclusive future together

Diversity is without doubt one of the key factors in our success because different experiences and abilities complement each other and drive us forward together. Most of us are familiar with the terms “diversity” and “incIusion”, but do each of us understand them in the same way? And how are these principles reflected at LLB?

By Patrizia Seifert

Diversity is firmly rooted in our mindset and corporate culture and goes far beyond mere lip service. It serves as a decisive success factor and a distinguishing characteristic. At LLB we offer all employess the same employment and promotion opportunities, regardless of gender, age, religion, nationality, ethnic background, sexual orientation, or physical abilities. This commitment to diversity and inclusion forms the starting point for a fascinating interview offering insights into daily work life and providing our colleagues with a platform to describe their experiences.

Diversity at LLB

For many years, we have practised a clear commitment to diversity. Our diverse personnel represents a pool of talent, in which different experiences and skills harmoniously mesh with each other. This core basis enables us to promote and facilitate innovation and excellence in all areas of our company.

Among other things, LLB already offers:

  • Pay equity between men and women
    Awarded the “We pay fair” label of the University of St.Gallen.
  • Day care centres
  • Attractive working from home, part-time working, and holiday conditions

More information regarding the diversity of employees and executives can be found in the 2022 Annual Report.

Diversity: what is that?

Cultural diversity:

We value and promote the various different backgrounds of our employees to create an inspiring and cosmopolitan working environment.

Inclusion and belonging:

Our goal is to create an atmosphere of belonging, in which every employee feels welcome, valued and safe – irrespective of origin, gender, age, religion or special needs.

Varied perspectives:

The integration of various experiences, qualifications, skills and convictions enables us to develop  more innovative solutions and broaden our horizons.

Attract and retain talent:

By creating a diverse and inclusive working environment, we attract the best talent and retain it over the long term for our company.

Age groups and gender:

We create equality of opportunty for peope of all age groups and genders, in order to fully utilise their potential and make our teams more versatile.

Religious and idealogical diversity:

We respect the diversity of religious beliefs and idealogies of our employees and create an environment in which everyone can express themselves freely.

Special skills:

We recognise the strengths and abilities of each employee, irrespectivie of special needs, and facilitate their integration in all areas of the company.

What does inclusion mean?

Equal opportunties for everyone:

We ensure that everyone has the same opportunities irrespective of background, ability or conviction.

Welcome and valued:

Inclusion means that everyone is welcome and feels valued, which contributes to an open and productive working environment.

Active participation:

Every voice counts. A feeling of inclusion encourages all employees to actively contribute ideas and to participate in creating solutions together.

Diversity promotes inclusion:

A diverse workforce creates the basis for inclusion. Different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives enrich our teams and promote understanding and cooperation.