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Comfortable and eco-friendly journey from Feldkirch to Vienna

Deciding on how to travel comfortably and in an eco-friendly way from Vaduz to Vienna can be tricky. On weekdays, the Austrian Federal Railway offers an hourly train connection without having to change trains, which takes about six hours from Feldkirch to Vienna.

By Steffen Sturm

This option is certainly attractive for travellers, who appreciate comfort and sustainability. A ticket costs around 180 euros per person and trip, whereby this can be reduced if one possesses an ÖBB Advantage Card, similar to a Swiss Half-fare Card. For an additional charge travellers can upgrade to business class, which offers spaciously positioned seats, sound-absorbing partitions and wide tables for laptop use.

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Business class seat on ÖBB train

The train jounrney offers a good work environment with few interruptions and WLAN access. However the internet connection can be pushed to its limits if telephone conferences are required. Confidential calls should avoided in the train anyway. To enable the train infrastructure to be used, it is recommended that for security reasons, prior to the journey, a Microsoft Defender Application Guard from the Software centre be installed, also take along a travel adapter and a privacy masking foil for the monitor.

After arriving in Vienna, the cental main station provides many practical advantages. The Hotel Steigenberger and LLB Österreich are only about 15 to 25 minutes away by car or public transport. In comparison it takes 30 to 45 minutes from the airport. During the last three trips made by our colleague Stephanie Pirzl, the train was delayed by up to 30 minutes.

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Vienna Main Train Station